Refund Policy & Returns

Return by post

You can return items within 30 days of receipt. Returning via a service point is as follows:


1. Pack your return:

Put the item(s) (if possible) in its original packaging. Put all items in the Bikelife Amsterdam shipping bag or another bag/box and stick it closed. 

2. Hand over your return:

Take your package to a postal point. You will receive a shipping receipt, keep this well.

3. Refund

We will refund the money to your account within 14 days.


What are the conditions for returns



A few conditions apply to returning an item:

  • The item is undamaged. (if the item is damaged, we can charge costs for this)
  • You received the item less than 30 days ago.
  • Bikelife Amsterdam is not liable for loss or damage.


What if I want to file a complaint?

If you have a complaint about one of our products or service, please contact us by e-mail You will receive a substantive response from us within 14 days of receipt at the latest.